New Graduate Student Alexander Langreiter
On October 1st 2024, Alexander Langreiter has joined CTA\(^2\) to start a PhD project supervised by Gabriele Benedetti.
Properties of leveled spatial graphs
New preprint on leveled embeddings of spatial graphs
By Senja Barthel and Fabio Buccoliero.
Leveled spatial graphs are studied regarding
The relative cup-length in local Morse cohomology
Published in "Topologial Methods in Nonlinear Analysis"
Thomas Rot, Maciej Starostka, Nils Waterstraat
The relative cup-length in local
Interview with Senja Barthel
Interview with Senja Barthel - Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamInterview with Senja BarthelVrije Universiteit Amsterdam
TopICS is the Topology Intercity Seminar
The TopICS is joint seminar between Utrecht University, Radboud University - Nijmegen, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
The local co-organizers
Signed Barcodes for Multi-parameter Persistence via Rank Decompositions and Rank-Exact Resolutions
Magnus Bakke Botnan, Steffen Oppermann, Steve Oudot
In this paper, we introduce the signed barcode, a new visual representation of
New graduate student Sjoerd van der Niet
On September 1st, Sjoerd van der Niet will start a PhD as part of the "MSCA Doctoral Network BeyondTheEdge:
New graduate student Samuel Castelo Mourelle
Samuel Castelo Mourelle starts September 1st as graduate student with Rob Vandervorst.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft differential topology
This is a German style seminar series. Sometimes we will read papers/books together, and sometimes participants will present their
The DDT&G seminar
Organized by Thomas Rot, Alvaro del Pino Gomez and Federica Pasquotto. More information about the seminar can be found here